Talks, Interviews, workshops & Conferences
H2H Mission
Through our personal insight and a known sense of purpose, we want to leave a legacy of change in the area of grief and loss. Grief impacts us all. Unresolved grief negatively impacts mental health and wellbeing and prevents us from thriving and being the best we can be. By instilling hope and demonstrating that healing after loss is not only possible but tangible, we make the journey towards a brighter future relatable, encouraging and achievable.
Through shared partnerships and business insight, we impact healing & build well informed and resilient communities.
Seminars and workshops
Passionate about people and sharing more than 30 years of clinical and commercial wisdom in the NHS our founding Director would love to share her story, methods and results of the work we do. In a relatable style, take away learning and insight is shared to move forward with useful and applicable skills.
Delegates from Gateshead NHS and Disability UK workshops shared the value of this experience;
Thank you for a fantastic and authentic session…
Wow what a session… I’ve never heard of this grief concept, thanks for embedding this in our learning offer, it has brought such value….
Emotive session that provided some amazing resources
Fantastic! Felt like therapy! Will definitely be recommending this service
This was my favourite session of the day, very informative and provided new ways
of thinking about grief
Touching session which changed my perspective on grief as a concept
Interviews and time to chat
Available to engage in that emotive or difficult conversation about one of the least talked about topics on the planet! Lets open the door to discussing wisdom, insight, hope, truth and healing around all things grief and loss.
Julie has joined presenters from Grief recovery international, The Relationship project, Anna Foster on Radio Newcastle and Gateshead Council
Support in the workplace
Emotional wellbeing in the workplace is crucial for maintaining a healthy, productive environment. Unresolved grief hinders personal and professional growth, leading to doubt and fear. Addressing grief is crucial for self-worth and success. Our practical approach to grief resolution integrates healing into life’s journey, enhancing well-being while reducing the cost of grief in the workplace.
Life events like the spread of Covid 19 illustrate just how devastating the impact of change can be on a business, undermining viability, productivity and reputation. When the people within that organisation crumble following personal life changing events like, bereavement, divorce, threat of redundancy, moving home or change of routine, how well equipped are you to deal with the fallout?
Being supported emotionally at work is one of the primary features that create loyalty and increase staff retention. Research from Mind and Deloitte in January 2020 highlighted that poor mental health costs UK employers £45 billion annually. However, for every £1 spent on mental health interventions, there is a £5 return in reduced absence, lower staff turnover, increased productivity, and fewer costly human errors.
For businesses to thrive with a resilient workforce, it’s essential to address emotional wellbeing as personal bad news impacts output and productivity. Supporting colleagues well reduces absenteeism, increases presenteeism, and fosters a supportive work environment, ultimately benefiting both the individual and the organisation. Embracing evidence-based approaches ensure employees receive the support needed to maintain their functionality and contribute positively to their workplace and community.