Grace’s Journey Through Grief

Heartbreak can begin in the blink of an eye, just as it did for Grace. Riding in the ambulance, she was consumed with anxiety, focused solely on her daughter’s head. Memories of performing CPR and pleading for help haunted her as she recalled her heart being ripped
apart by an external force.

In the ambulance, Grace twisted the ring on her finger, realising it was on the wrong hand. A kind paramedic’s small act of moving the ring back grounded her. This moment became a piece of her healing puzzle, helping her stay mindful and present. Today, she uses similar techniques to remain aware of her surroundings.

Grace was escorted into a clinical waiting room. The days that followed were surreal, filled with blood tests, scans, and conversations with other frightened faces. Her sanctuary was an outside space where she could feel the sun and breathe fresh air. Visits from her mother and children brought light and hope.

Journaling became an essential relief valve, helping Grace make sense of her conflicting emotions. Discovering “The Grief Recovery Handbook” and working through its program transformed her life, teaching her the importance of actively processing her emotions.

Reflecting on her journey, Grace realised that events like these leave scars but also lead to growth. Bereavement, financial fraud, and emotional abuse catapulted her into her mental health journey. Moving overseas as a child taught her that grief is a change in, or the end of, a familiar lifestyle.

Grace believes that the hardest times in life teach the most valuable lessons. The Grief Recovery Method transformed her life, and she now uses these tools to help others. She left my home with gratitude, acknowledging that the program had transformed her life.


My Invitation


Inspired by Grace’s story, I started Heartbroken to Healed, a Community Interest Company. Our interactive action program, taught internationally, has been proven to work. If you’re ready to heal and find joy, join us on this journey. We’ll support you through your tears and triumphs, helping you find lasting recovery.